
The Northeast Guild for Spiritual Formation is an ecumenical community that seeks to encourage and support all who desire growth and deepening in their spiritual lives. The origins of the Northeast Guild hearken back to 2002 when seven individuals (clergy, spiritual directors, educators, and a psychologist) met at a local café hoping to find possibilities for collegiality in their work. They found the collegiality they sought, but also discovered mutual support for their spiritual journeys more profoundly. Gradually, as their communion deepened, they felt called to offer that network of support to a wider community. Events called Contemplative Gatherings and Guild Quiet Days were created in Maine and in New Hampshire.

Over the years, the Guild expanded into Spiritual Direction opportunities, including the formation of a group within the Guild called Guild Associates. The Northeast Guild for Spiritual Formation also began offering large events with well-known leaders in the greater spiritual community.  Speakers included Sherri Mitchell, Kathleen Dowling-Singh, Richard Rohr, Fr. Tomas Keating, and many others.

In 2020, the members of the Guild recognized that we were trying to go in too many directions at once. The Board hired a consultant to help us examine how we could best be of service. After a year of individual interviews with active Associates and Friends and a retreat meeting of the Board, we agreed that the Contemplative Gatherings and Quiet Days were the heart of the Guild.  Recognizing that we will continue evolving, we are moving in this direction. Starting in 2021, the focus of the guild became Silence.